Home ENTERTAINMENT Did Anyone Die at Lydia Jazmine’s Concert? Truth Finally Revealed

Did Anyone Die at Lydia Jazmine’s Concert? Truth Finally Revealed

Did someone die at Lydia Jazmine’s concert? Here is the truth

There has been rumour indicating that someone might have died at Lydia Jazmine’s concluded concert.

It was said that the person who died is a male in his 30’s.

It is very rare for someone to die at a concert unless there is an emergency or a problem that led to the death.

But this person that is said to have died at Lydia Jazmine’s concert had no problems and no stampede.

According to the singer Lydia Jazmine, there is no one that died at her concert. She said people have been trying to put her down and make her name look bad.

Talented Jazmine said she registered a successful first ever concert and she doesn’t want anyone to bad mouth it.

“It was a dream for me to have my own concert but when people tried to bring me down it was frustrating. No one died in my concert and I don’t want anyone to keep talking about it because it is not true,”